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Damage claim in Slovenia

Compensation is a monetary form of satisfaction that the injured party receives from the person causing the damage in the event of damage. Damages are claimed by the injured parties in the form of claims for damages, either out of court or in court, on the basis of an appropriate damage claim in Slovenia. Caution must be exercised when claiming compensation, because of the statute of limitations. The classic limitation period for claiming compensation is 3 years after the injured party learned of the damage and no later than 5 years after the damage occurred. Exceptions to the damage claim in Slovenia shall also apply as. e.g. in the case when the injured person is still undergoing treatment and the extent of the damage is not yet known.

Compensation may be claimed in the event of various types of damage occurring. Thus, compensation is paid in the case of material damage as well as in the case of non-pecuniary damage. Material damage is straightforward and does not require any specific explanation, but non-pecuniary damage is more complex and consists of several items. Compensation for non-pecuniary damage usually involves reimbursement for mental pain – fear, disfigurement, physical pain, loss of life of an individual, etc. However, the mere occurrence of the damage is not enough for the injured party to claim compensation. In addition to the damage itself, it must clearly demonstrate other elements of compensation, such as liability for damages. In most cases, liability for damages is subjective in nature. This means that the perpetrator of the damage is liable for it only in the case of guilt – willfulness or negligence.

Objective liability

In certain cases, however, the law also allows for compensation on the basis of objective liability. This means that the person causing the damage is liable, whether or not he or she is responsible. The classic examples of such liability apply to the holders of dangerous things or to those engaged in dangerous activity. Objective liability is also applicable in other specific cases, e.g. in the case of bus drivers in public transport. 


Damage claim

When it comes to proving guilt in relation to damage claim in Slovenia, there are two types of guilt, namely willfulness or negligence. This means that the person causing the damage must either be proven to have acted intentionally or negligently, which means that he did not intentionally cause the damage but would be able to prevent it with some care. Damage claim in Slovenia may come into consideration in various life events. The most common are injuries in the case of road accidents, injuries in the case of work accidents. Given the frequency of such a type of damage claim in Slovenia, insurance companies are often involved. Our lawyer firm has extensive experience in the area of damage claim in Slovenia. Unfortunately, practice shows that insurance companies often do not want to pay compensation, even though all conditions for payment of insurance are fulfilled.



In cases, it is best to contact the insurance company with the help of a lawyer attorney. The amount of compensation from a damage claim in Slovenia can be very different. In general, compensation is the lowest in the case of non-pecuniary damage due to insult or slight mobbing at work. However, the highest compensation is usually paid in the event of serious bodily or mental injury. disabilities resulting from various attacks on the body, traffic accidents or even medical errors. When you visit our lawyer firm, your lawyer attorney will explain your options for claiming appropriate compensation, the possibility of a possible victory in court, as well as the amount of compensation you may expect from your damage claim in Slovenia. High compensation is never guaranteed. Your attorney will make sure that your compensation is enforced correctly, in a timely manner and in the best possible manner to achieve as high damage claim in Slovenia as possible.

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