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Divorce in Slovenia

Divorce is one of the most stressful events in an individual’s life. When we talk about divorce, we have in mind, as far as many of the consequences mentioned by law, the divorce of an extramarital union, which is in many ways equated with marriage. Divorce is easiest when there is no joint property between the spouses, and especially when they have no underage children in common. In such cases, the divorce takes place relatively quickly, in some cases it may be even done almost immediately with the help of a notary and a lawyer for divorce is not even needed.  In most cases however, unanimous divorce is not possible and then longer litigation is needed. This is especially true in cases where the spouses have minor – underage children. 

Even if there is an agreement between the spouses regarding all issues concerning children, such as child custody and child support the court often refuses to accept such agreements. The reason for this is that the court acts as a guarantor who, in the process of divorce, also takes care of the rights and benefits of children. If the court finds that the agreement between the parents is not in the benefit of the children, it can decide on its own, of course, taking into account the opinion of a competent expert in the field of psychology and social services.

Lawyer for divorce

Lawyer for divorce is usually needed simply because the parents are unable to agree on important questions. Divorce sometimes gets complicated due to simple unresolved financial questions. The parent who does not have child custody is the one who is paying child support to the other parent. Sometimes this is the main stumbling block and the divorce gets complicated. Parents can avoid this in certain cases by maintaining joint custody of minor children. Prior to the adoption of the new Slovenian Family Code, joint custody was possible only with the consent of both parents. This is no longer the case now, and the court may, if divorce occurs, decide that joint custody will continue to be best for the child, no matter if one parent disagrees. Practice will however show how often such cases will occur. Lawyer for divorce will not just help you with getting a divorce in Slovenia, but also all the other questions regarding alimony, child support, child custody and of course division of community property or any other question regarding the divorce procedure in Slovenia.

Division of community property 

Divorce often raises other financial issues, such as the division of community property – property that is owned jointly by both spouses. Any belongings and all the earnings of both partners that were acquired in marriage by way of work are treated as community property which divides in equal shares.  These are separate court proceedings, which are usually initiated only when the main issues – divorce, child custody and child support have already been resolved by a final court decision. In all such cases and especially in the process of division of community property a lawyer divorce is necessary.

 Divorce can also be complicated if both spouses are tenants of the same apartment and each of them wants to remain a tenant. In such cases, a separate non-litigation process may be initiated at the same time while the divorce is ongoing. Divorce may also be delayed when one spouse claims alimony for himself (support of the spouse). Divorce may therefore have serious personal and financial impacts on both spouses. If you would like to know how divorce can affect your family and financial situation, we invite you visit our lawyer firm. Divorce lawyers Slovenia will be happy to advise you and will represent you throughout the legal process, as divorce is one of those areas where lawyer attorney representation is highly recommended.

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