+386 51 369 588 info@snoj.si

Parmova ulica 53

SI-1000 Ljubljana


Mon -Fri 9.00 - 16.00

Saturday, Sunday closed


T: +386 51 369 588

Law office in the center of Ljubljana Slovenia

The attorneys in our law office in Slovenia will be happy to assist you with your legal problem. Consultation with a lawyer requires pre-ordering, either by phone or email.

Your rights are our priority

Welcome to the Law Office Snoj website. We certainly hope that here you will find some interesting information and, of course, contact us if you have any further questions. The main objective of our Law Office is not only to educate clients and provide them with legal advice, but above all to protect their rights when necessary. Law exists in order to ensure order in society and prevent the arbitrary actions of individuals. Without rules, chaos would reign in society. It is for this reason that we like the Latin quote “Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus“, by Mark Tulij Cicero, a famous Roman statesman, jurist and philosopher, that in translation means ” We obey the law in order to be free.” we would further refine this quote, We obey the law in order to be free and to protect our rights. You are invited to visit our law office, especially if the need arises to protect your rights.

Attorneys in Law Office Snoj are not only experts in many legal fields, but we are also aware of our clients’ problems, trying to provide them with comprehensive advice. Practice shows that clients of our law office in Ljubljana often have other legal problems that they are not aware of and do not even think about when visiting. The goal of our attorneys is to resolve clients’ problems definitively, not just temporarily or only superficially. Our law office is headquartered in Ljubljana. We believe that the large number of lawyers in Ljubljana contributes to a better choice for clients, and there is also a lower likelihood of a conflict of interest, which all have a positive effect on the quality of legal advice and lawyer consultation. Ljubljana, as the capital and largest city in Slovenia, also has the largest volume of legal proceedings addressing a wide variety of legal issues. The very diversity of legal issues, however, requires a lawyer in Ljubljana to have a broad knowledge of various legal issues.

The attorneys of Law office Snoj are aware of this and as a result aim to advise clients in various areas of law in compliance with the latest regulations and the latest judicial case law. The client should always consult a professional lawyer attorney for any representation in administrative or judicial proceedings and not just any lawyer. A low price should not be the measure for choosing your lawyer, but his attitude and professionalism. With quality legal advice and representation by a lawyer attorney, you can avoid many other problems and additional costs in the long run. Our lawyers are all members of the Slovenian Bar Association and have professional liability insured. By visiting our law office in Ljubljana, you will definitely save money in the long run, as our legal services are of high quality and our goal is a satisfied client. In spite of the above, always ask the lawyer attorney for the costs of representation, since they can vary greatly from lawyer to lawyer and from law office to law office. In our law office we have a rule that we always inform the client in advance what the actual lawyer attorney and court costs will be, thus preventing any surprises. The relationship between our lawyer and the client is completely transparent, which ultimately contributes to greater trust between the client and the lawyer and thus leads to a better legal and lawyer and attorney service.

Our lawyers are committed to answering every call and every email as soon as possible.

Lawyer attorney in Ljubljana Slovenia

Before visiting a lawyer for a lawyer consultation, one must first contact our office and arrange a meeting. This not only allows the client to have a guaranteed date, but also allows the lawyer to become aware of the client’s legal issue in advance. This is especially true in more complex cases where the client wants the lawyer attorney to get prepared in advance, before the meeting itself. The business hours of our law office in Ljubljana Slovenia are from 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday. The office hours of our attorneys for a lawyer consultation are not fixed, but are usually held only within the said business hours of the law office. If you would need legal consultation outside of our business hours, please arrange this with our lawyer attorney. The attorneys in our law office are sometimes busy and cannot answer every phone call or email immediately. In any case, our attorneys are working hard to get every call back and answer every email as soon as possible.

Contact us

Visit us, give us a call or leave us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Parmova ulica 53, 1000 Ljubljana

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+386 51 369 588

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