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Opening a company in Slovenia

Opening a company in Slovenia is usually not a difficult process. Foreigners will most likely open a limited liability company “d.o.o.” where a minimum share capital of 7.500,00 EUR is necessary. A foreigner that already has a company in his home country might consider opening a branch office or a subsidiary. Opening a company in Slovenia in the form of a branch office means that the company will be dependent on its parent company and its main goal will be to expand the business of the parent company to the local market.  Opening a company in Slovenia in the form of a subsidiary will be very similar. The main difference will be in the fact that unlike a branch office a subsidiary will act independently as a completely separate legal entity.

When opening a company in Slovenia, it is advisable to discuss your needs with a lawyer attorney in Slovenia, since there are many details one may not be aware without proper legal consultation. Usually it is also best when one leaves the whole process of opening a company in Slovenia to the lawyer himself. Once when all the documents have been prepared and the application has been filed to the appropriate authorities, the company should be registered in the business register in about a week or even in a matter of days. You’re welcome to visit us in our lawyer firm should you have any questions and are planning to open a company in Slovenia.

What do I need to open a company

The answer to the question what do I need to open a company in Slovenia mainly depends on what kind of company one wishes to open. The most popular company is the limited liability company called “d.o.o.” Its main benefit is that the owners are not responsible/liable for the debts of the company or to be more precise are only liable with their share capital. Beside the limited liability company in Slovenia one may also open a sole trader “s.p.”, general partnership “d.n.o.”, limited partnerships “k.d.”, limited partnerships by shares “k.d.d.”, joint stock company “d.d.”, etc.

To decide which type of company is best for you, it is advisable to get proper legal advice from an attorney lawyer in Slovenia. Once you know which company is best for you, the answer to the question what do I need to open a company is already much easier. For opening a limited liability company, the future director and the future owner need to receive a tax and ID number. They also need to organize and find an office where they will be able to register the headquarters of their company. After that, they will need to prepare a set of documents, such as the receipt of the bank that they have made a deposit of the minimum share capital (7.500,00 EUR), prepare the articles of association, etc. Once all the documents are gathered one may file the application to open the company. The process of organizing all the above documentation and the process of preparing the application for opening a company is best done by an experienced lawyer attorney in Slovenia.   

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